Friday, August 23, 2013

Dorian the Wolf

 Pregnant once again?!

 And our third baby. Let me introduce you to Dorian!

 Dorian's hairy father followed them to their house. When did he became this hairy? Have I missed something? He wasn't this hairy last time we met him, was he?

 Dorian grew up to become a pale little kid with bright eyes. He also slept a lot. But that's what kids do, I guess.

 Saacha and Camael grew up too.

 Maybe Camael grew too much, because I think it looks like he has wrinkles.

 That wonderful moment when your kids go to school and you don't have to care about how they feel all the time. <3

 I think my son is a werewolf... Please don't tell me he's going to be hairy too..

 I just can't stop taking pictures of kids. They're so cute!

 Little Camael is afraid of monsters. Before he goes to sleep, he always check under the bed for monsters.
That quote.. How was it... "We stop looking for monsters under the bed when we realize they're inside of us."

 I don't think Camael has realized he's more of a monster than that fake arm.

 I mean, he IS a ghost...

 Poor kid. Luckily he has his mother who comfort him.

 That damn Dorian.

 Being a mother to three children isn't the easiest. Since the kids are at school, and the third one is too small to help mommy with household chores, she has to do all of them by herself.

At her sparetime, she called the police man and invited him over.

 Woops, and suddenly she's pregnant again!

 And shortly afterwards it's time for this little beast to grow up and become a bigger beast.

 What? Dorian, what are you doing?

 Owh... So he is a werewolf. How pretty.

 And for some reason he enjoys catching bugs. I thought werewolf should be frightening?

Another thing this stupid kid likes to do is ruin my furniture..

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